Our Services

DFM & Trade Desk

Discretionary Fund Management Services | Blacktower

Blacktower’s experienced team of international financial advisers can help with a range of services for investors, regular savers, retiring ex-pats and more. We offer a comprehensive and expert-led DFM (discretionary fund management) service. Read on for more information.

Trade Desk:

  • We act as a trade desk for clients
  • Clients execute stock, option, currency and bond investments
  • Portfolio managed based on specific client guidelines
  • Clients can be Individual, Joint, Trust, QROPS, SIPP, Corporations, etc
  • Full daily liquidity and no entry/exit fee
  • No minimum time to be invested

Types of Portfolios:


  • Top down investment strategy designed to identify key sectors, which offer stability and opportunity for growth in the current market place
  • Provides diversity across multiple sectors using individual stocks and ETFs
  • Individual selected companies have an established business model, strong balance sheets and low debt obligations
  • Most companies allocated are household names
  • A conservative covered call strategy can be used to help increase performance


  • Targets individual companies experiencing growth in earnings
  • Companies selected have little to no dividend, therefore focusing assets on further development
  • Higher amount of volatility as the companies are in a growth phases vs developed companies in a balanced portfolio
  • Companies allocated are a mix of known large, mid and small cap
  • A more flexible strategy can include calls and puts for position entries


  • Seeks high return from investing in companies with high growth potential
  • By design, the portfolio experiences the highest amount of volatility when compared to a balanced or growth strategy
  • Specific sectors can be targeted due to a recent loss in value if identified as a short-term market reaction
  • Client typically has a much longer time horizon to invest for – 10 years
  • Buying and selling of Calls and Puts can be sourced to increase the potential for capturing additional capital gains

Wealth management experts

To speak to our team about any of the above services, please fill out the contact form on any of our location pages or contact the fund manager direct on +1 345 943 0015. Our discretionary fund management service is a particular area of expertise and we look forward to assisting you in growing and managing your wealth now and into the future.

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